
Newzz no image

Published on June 25th, 2013 | by Denise Borders


Machine Head Announces New Bassist: Jared MacEachern


Roadrunner records’ Machine Head just announced Jared MacEachern will be their new full-time bass player. It’s just in time for the upcoming Rockstar Mayhem Festival, which the band has already been practicing together for. Jared will relocate from North Caroline to Northern California to start pre-production on the band’s upcoming record as well.


Where is this dude from? People may remember him from 2007’s The Black Tyranny Tour when he played with his previous band, Sanctity. MacEachern landed on the Machine Head opportunity when their current bass player was injured and unable to tour. Machine Head’s A&R guy, Monte Conner, recommended Jared. GOOD CALL, MONTE!

Machine Head did an extensive search for a new bass player, which included accepting video submissions. After watching over 400 video auditions, including Jared, lead guitarist Phil Demmel said:

“There were dozens of amazing players, and it was interesting to watch each one take on our tunes. One of our biggest criteria for this gig was to be able to sing the high harmonies. That was our litmus test. And Jared passed with flying colors.”

After narrowing the videos down to a final seven candidates, the bassists were flown to Oakland to perform with the band as a final tryout. Drummer Dave McClain said:

“Jared came in to the audition and just killed it! Besides being able to nail the bass and vocal harmonies, he also had the vibe and personality to make it feel like we were a BAND again. It was a great feeling and we all knew he was the guy.”

I will be at the Mayhem tour in San Bernardino this weekend, so I will get to see Jared in action! He seems enthusiastic about the whole experience, saying:

“I’m ready to get to work! This tour is going to kick ass and the new tunes are heavy as shit! I’m SO looking forward to making good music with good dudes!”

Check out his audition videos below!

Also peep a video of his old band, Sanctity, below.

Machine Head Official 

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About the Author

40, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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