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Published on October 23rd, 2009 | by Denise Borders


Nick leaves Attack Attack!

Lead screaming vocalist, Nick Barham, has left the band Attack Attack!.

Nick Barham

Nick Barham

Nick Barham

Attack Attack!

Attack Attack!

The band released the following bulletin:

“Why hello boys and girls!

Thought we’d throw you all a quick little update about what’s currently going on in the AA! lineup.
The band and Nick parted ways recently in a mutually agreed non-explosive fashion, which we all believe is the best for both sides.
Caleb is going to retire his keys and start screaming in the front of the band.
We DO NOT have a new person in our band.
Don’t worry, our music will still be full of Caleb’s programming, keys, and all the good things he concocts. Â It will just be back-tracked live with the 808 samples and other nonsense on my iPod.
Anyways, we’re not gonna stop touring, playing shows, and having a generally wonderful time with all of you.
See you in your town soon!
Wetzel & Matt Hamparian”
Caleb will take over Nick's vocals

Caleb will take over Nick's vocals

I’m sure anyone that is a hardcore fan of this band is aware of this by now, since they did post a bulletin, but the label just sent out an email about it, so it’s new to me! 🙂 I don’t really follow them that closely, but I know they’re pretty popular. For many bands, a member change is isn’t a big deal- but for a band like this, it seems it’s definitely not a frequent occurrence, so I can imagine it’s a pretty big deal! They’re on tour so I guess we’ll know, very quickly, how the fans respond! 🙂

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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