Published on July 11th, 2011 | by Denise Borders
2Strife (Chad and Drew) interview
Rick Rodney – Vocals
Andrew Kline – Guitar
Todd Turnham – Guitar
Chad Peterson – Bass
Sid Niesen – Drums
Of all the music genres out there, hardcore will always remain one of my favorites. I feel like people play with meaning more than just playing to look cool, get laid, etc… (although I’m sure all of those things happen as well). These guys play for a purpose, whether it’s about PMA, straight edge, or even just being angry (can we say Acacia Strain…?). Whatever the reason is, there IS a reason, which is more than I can say for a lot of current bands today.
Strife is a name that most ANY hardcore kid is familiar with. While they weren’t on the radar for a few years, they are back in action playing shows and working on music. They’ve changed a lot as a band, but are still delivering generally the same vibes so hopefully fans will respond well.
I caught up with Chad Peterson and Andrew Kline before they practiced with the rest of the band up at AMP Studios in North Hollywood. After a LONG talk on camera, I’ve got it down to approx. 12 minutes for your viewing pleasure! Check it out!
Don’t miss the interview bloopers! AWW FUCK!
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