Album Reviews

Published on April 25th, 2023 | by Denise Borders


Album Review: Brutal Youth “Rebuilding Year”

Release: Rebuilding Year
Band: Brutal Youth
Label: Stomp Records
Score: 8/10


Stomp Records

review by Ricky Frankel

Amazingly, it’s been almost seven years since the release of Brutal Youth’s last full-length, ‘Sanguine.’ When that record came out, fans found the band to be mourning their fellow Canadian punk rocker, Todd Serious of The Rebel Spell. The silver lining of the band’s grief was the release of one of the best records of 2016 though. Fast forward to today with the release of their new album, ‘Rebuilding Year’ and it’s clear (just from the title alone) that the members of Brutal Youth are in more of an uplifted state. At same time, it contains some of the band’s best hyper-aggressive, melodic hardcore of their discography.

On the more melodic side of this record, there are songs like “Juice Cleanse” and “Moonstones.” For long-time fans of Brutal Youth, hearing the first track of ‘Rebuilding Year,’ “Juice Cleanse” for the first time is like seeing an old friend. It’s a classic Brutal Youth song that seamlessly switches from hardcore to melodic punk and back. Patty O’Lantern’s lead vocals are aggressive as ever during the intense and rowdy parts of the song, while the rest of the band’s gang vocals add this fusion of melody to the track that, upon first listen, will make you incredibly hyped for the rest of the album. The first single for the album, “Moonstones” is definitely the crown jewel of the fourteen tracks. For the most part the members of Brutal Youth left out their hardcore style and just stuck to pure melodic punk rock here. Leaving their comfort zone like this paid off because “Moonstones” is a very catchy tune filled with mega-anthemic singing from O’Lantern as well as some of the band’s more complex musicianship. The “crawling” guitar riff played during the verses adds a whole new dimension to what easily could have just been plainly strummed chords and the drumming is utterly relentless. And it’s worth mentioning that “Moonstones” ends with a massive outro.

For those that are more partial to Brutal Youth’s hardcore punk side, one song that you should look out for is “Concentric.” This track is just pure, in-your-face, angry energy. It’s one the fastest tracks on the album and everything from the guitar, bass, and drums just rains frantic aggression into your ears. Interestingly, the band suddenly transitions to a break down towards the middle of the tune, but then slowly climb out of it to get back to their original speed. It’s a pretty original take on the art of the breakdown.

As a long-time fan of Brutal Youth myself, it’s really so great to see them back with a new album. Since their inception no other band can really mix melodic punk rock and hardcore the way they do. Brutal Youth is one of the best punk bands to come out of Canada and ‘Rebuilding Year’ truly shows it.

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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