Album Reviews

Published on June 8th, 2023 | by Denise Borders


Album Review: Direct Hit!/ Decent Criminal Split 7-Inch

review by Ricky Frankel

Release: Split 7-inch
Band: Direct Hit!/Decent Criminal
Label: Dirtnap Records/Green Noise Records
Score: 7/10

Beacon Comics #1 w/ 7" split (Direct Hit / Decent Criminal) – [PREORDER Shipping May 2023 GREEN NOISE EXCLUSIVE] – New Comic / New 7"

Note from the author: This is just a review of the music from this release, not the comic book that comes with the physical version.

Two fantastic bands, Direct Hit! and Decent Criminal have come together to release a split 7-inch in conjunction with the first installment of the Beacon Comics series. Direct Hit! contributed one song, while Decent Criminal contributed two. If you know both bands’ respective material, then you’d know that it’s a bit of an unexpected pairing, but for the most part, both sides of this split work quite well together as a cohesive EP.

Direct Hit!’s last release, Crown Of Nothing came out back in 2018. By 2019 it was announced that their bassist and drummer quit the band. Aside from a new demo or two and a bit of touring over the last few years, the scene hasn’t heard much from Direct Hit! — not that anyone could blame them after taking a hit like that. This being Direct Hit!’s first official release in almost five years, with a new band line-up, this 7-inch is a bigger deal than most seem to realize. After so many changes, where are they going to take their sound? The band’s sole track on their side of this 7-inch called “Wasteland” clocks in at almost five minutes long, making it the longest song of their entire discography. Surprisingly, Direct Hit! take their sound in a surf direction. The fuzzy and repetitious bass line lays the groundwork for the guitar to drench the song with shiny and wobbly chords. Nick Woods’ throaty shouting is something that fans have come to be familiar with from songs like “We’re Fucked” from ‘Brainless God,’ “Do The Sick” from ‘Wasted Mind,’ and the mighty “Perfect Black” from ‘Crown Of Nothing.’ The fact that he manages to yell for close for the entirety of the song is pretty amazing. “Wasteland” is a really impressive mixture of surf-rock and hardcore and it could be a good indicator as to where Direct Hit!’s sound might be heading.

Decent Criminal’s side of this 7-inch starts out with the song “Dream.” The track features the band’s signature alternative rock sound which includes a main riff where both guitarists harmonize with each other and heavily melodic singing with lots of delicate, back-up “ooh’s” that contrast with harsher lead vocals. “Time” is a much faster tune compared to “Dream.” It definitely spotlights Decent Criminal’s pop-punk side of their sound. The track is mainly carried by a straightforward chord progression, but what makes it really stand out very high-pitched singing. Decent Criminal took a risk with that and it paid off because “Time” is one of the most catchy songs that they have released.

I don’t who could have guessed that Direct Hit! and Decent Criminal would release a split EP together. Their general sounds are pretty different from one another and yet, this split works well. Both Direct Hit! and Decent Criminal put in very solid efforts respectively. Hopefully Dirtnap Records and Green Noise continue this split series.

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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