Album Reviews

Published on January 15th, 2024 | by Denise Borders


Album Review: Leatherman “Telephone/Tryin’ 2 4get” 7-inch

review by Ricky Frankel

Release: Telephone/Tryin’ 2 4get 7-inch
Band: Leatherman
Label: Legless Records
Score: 7/10


One of the better EP’s to come out last year was the ‘Telephone/Tryin’ 2 4get’ 7-inch by Australia’s very own Leatherman. The band features members of Clowns and Cable Ties, and their sound sort of teeters between power pop and early heavy metal. This being Leatherman’s first release ever and it getting somewhat overlooked within the scene (at least here in North America), I think it’s something worth highlighting.

“Telephone” is the poppier of the two tracks. It clearly draws from early pop-punk and classic rock. Most notably, the lead guitar follows the singer’s vocal melody while managing to include wonderful little fills to accent the singing. The song later takes a more heavy metal turn during the bridge. Heavy riffs from the guitars and bass ensue, which lead straight into both guitars harmonizing for a pretty massive solo.

While drawing from the same sonic influences as “Telephone,” “Tryin’ 2 4get” is a much more aggressive tune, and you can hear that immediately from the big guitar riffs in the intro. The vocal melody has an infectious, almost anthemic-leaning vibe to it. Once again the wonderful guitar fills and guitar harmonies make an appearance and the drums just relentlessly come crashing down throughout the track. The singing gets very impressive with noticeably higher notes being hit for a major finale.

With so many amazing bands coming out of Australia these days, it’s easy to miss a release or two. Don’t let the ‘Telephone/Tryin’ 2 4get’ 7-inch be one of them. It rocks!


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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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