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Published on August 1st, 2009 | by Denise Borders


ALEXISONFIRE [George & Wade] Warped Interview Pt. IV

I cannot express how freaking exciting I was to get to talk with my boys in Alexisonfire at this summer’s Warped Tour. Ever since I first heard them scream through my speakers, I was hooked. At the Indianapolis stop, I had the chance to interview them, and then I got some great photos in Cincinnati.

George Petit, lead vocals, and Wade MacNeil, guitar, of Vagrant’s standout Alexisonfire, stood with me in the busy hallway backstage to have a little chat. So hold onto your butts boys and girls! It’s time to make some sweet, sweet music… or uh.. interviews.

Talking with Wade and George of Alexisonfire

Talking with Wade and George of Alexisonfire



Me: Ya know, one of the first things I think of when I think of Canadians is rowing, because I rowed when I was in college and half our team was Canadian. Did you all ever row?

AOF: [George] Yeah I was in rowing club for one year. I did all the off season training, and then when it came time to assign boats, my name wasn’t there. The teacher that was organizing it all didn’t even know I was part of the program. I was in high school, probably like, 14 or 15.
[Wade] Oh, you got a little weep? Did you cry?
[George] Naw, I was like oh fuck this. It was a fun experiment. Ya know, athletics. So then I started going to punk shows, doing drugs and all that.

Me: Oh yeah, that’s way more productive! Ha ha, so you all have a new album out, Old Crows/ Young Cardinals. Can you tell me what separates this album from your previous ones? (Then I continued to list their albums in order to try to let them know that I truly was a fan. It may have worked…)

AOF: [Wade] Well this is number four, and I think from record to record, we tried to expand on a lot of the ideas we liked the most about the stuff we previously did, and tried to not repeat ourselves at the same time. We tried to build on the things we liked which I think it’s just been wanting to play songs that translate live well. And that being like, their kinda of anthematic songs. We’ve def scaled back on the kind of vibe, the delays, and the kind of more ambient stuff. I don’t have any delay metals anymore, I just have a lot of overdrafts and I’m into that. Yeah vocally, there’s a huge difference. George is def not full on screaming as much and there’s more melody in it. Although people are going to player hate on that, its opened up the door a lot for Dallas and I to sing along with him.

Wade, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

Wade, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

Me: Do you all want to keep churning out album after album, or do you think you’ll find a comfortable stopping point?

AOF: [George] I think we’re self aware of what’s going on in our style of music enough, that we’ll know when we’ve over stayed our welcome. There are a lot of bands that try to forget they’re well past their prime or if they have nothing left to offer. I don’t think we’re there yet. We’re at the point now where we aren’t just making records because we have to, but because we actually still want to.
[Wade] After our last record, I got used to being at home and we all got back together to write songs again because we wanted to and knew it was the right time, which is why the record turned out the way it did.

George, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

George, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

Me: Does it get annoying when people mispronounce your name?

AOF: [George] Yeah, really.
[Wade] It’s getting to the point we just tell people off.

Me: Yeah I’ve been in full on arguments about it because I always knew it was alexis-on-fire and not alex-is-on-fire, which doesn’t even sound good at all, it doesn’t flow together. People have definitely tried to argue with me about it. But I’m a stubborn Italian and I knew I was right!

AOF: [Wade] Yeah that doesn’t at all. Sometimes people leave out the “is” part. It depends though because sometimes people come up and a girl will ask which one it is, and I just politely tell them, “It’s alexisonfire, have a lovely day, sweetheart! Would you like a water?” And then some dude will be like, “Hey man, I’ve got a question…” and I’m like, “It’s alexisonfire, go fuck yourself.”


AOF live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

Me: I’ve heard this was true but I’ve got to ask, are you all named after a fire-breathing contortionist prostitute?

AOF: [George] Yeah! It’s something like that. I think she lactates. And by the way, for someone from Kentucky you do not have a very good Southern accent!

Me: I know, it’s really weird. I’m from a small town called Berea but I’ve lived in Louisville for about six years. I guess I’m just blessed! Ha ha, have you all ever played in Louisville? I’ve only seen you in Cincinnati.

AOF: [Wade] I don’t think we ever have.

*At this point we got off on a tangent a bit about the city of Louisville and how Wade wasn’t sure was a Louisville Slugger was. George so kindly explained that it was a baseball bat, and Wade proceeded to talk about how he needs one to protect his Vespa. So hardcore.

[George] I broke a Louisville Slugger once playing ball. I was like Jose Conseco.
[Wade] Yeah when I was in grade 12 playing varsity basketball, I definitely broke the glass on the backboard once. A lot of people call me the Shaquille O’Neal of Southern Ontario.

Me: You Canadians, you always say “grade seven” and we say “seventh grade.”

AOF: [George] Oh right because you Americans are known for your great diction! Ha ha. But one thing that you all have that I think might be better is that you have “Z” whereas we have “Zed.” Like X, Y, Zed. It doesn’t rhyme.

Me: So if you’re pulled over on a suspected DUI and they give you a sobriety test, do they make you say the alphabet backwards, starting with Zed? Would they fail you if you said Z?

AOF: [Wade] I could fail a sobriety test right now and I’m sober. [George] If there’s any long division, I’m shot, dude. I’m not that quick.

Me: Wade, have you ever been pulled over on your Vespa? What’s that thing get up, about 35 mph?

AOF: [Wade] I have not! Nah, it’s 200cc so it’s pretty fast.

Dallas, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

Dallas, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

Me: Where did you all come up with the name of the new album, Old Crows/ Young Cardinals?

AOF: [George] It’s a really uninteresting story. Basically we had two songs, one called Old Crows, one called Young Cardinals.
[Wade] Here I’ll give you the real story. George and I were kickin’ it with the same stripper. She died. The record’s called Old Crows/ Young Cardinals. Here’s a little elaboration on the story; George was DJ’ing at the strip club, so he was the guy that sold all the strippers blow. I was bouncing at the strip club. George would set up dates with her to go outside with other dudes and then I’d come over and take their wallets. Thus, Old Crows/ Young Cardinals. Her name was Champagne.


Me with Wade and George, AOF, post-interview

Me with Wade and George, AOF, post-interview

Chris, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009

Chris, live @ Cincinnati Warped 2009




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About the Author

40, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

4 Responses to ALEXISONFIRE [George & Wade] Warped Interview Pt. IV

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