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Published on November 5th, 2010 | by Denise Borders


Atheist *Interview with Steve Flynn*


Kelly Shaefer
Steve Flynn
Sonny Carson
Chris Baker

Very few bands can say they’ve been around as long as Atheist, who released their debut album in 1988. Â They’re said to be one of the most influential metal bands to date and after 17 years of silence, they’ve just recorded a new album, Jupiter, which is available now on the French-founded independent label, Season of Mist.

The resident skin banger and founding member, Steve Flynn, answered a few questions for me recently, so check it out!

Atheist drummer, Steve Flynn


Q: Since returning, have you run into any difficulties with getting your new work out to the world?

Well, from a logistics standpoint our newest, in fact ONLY new material since 1992, will be out on November 9th, so we’ll see then. Though, Season of Mist has been great so far and we don’t anticipate any problems. From a creative standpoint, and unlike in the past, we don’t anticipate the same type of difficulties we ran into back in the day because extreme technical metal is now quite common. In fact, it’s a very popular form of music, dare I say even mainstream. We only hope that this time around, people don’t throw dog food at us from the audience!

The Original Atheist (photo Joy Lambert,Metal Maniacs 1990)

Q: This new album, are you trying to reach out to different crowds or hit the same listeners as you have been?

As with any band, we’re trying to do both actually. We’re trying to make sure that the base of fans we’ve had for 20 years are happy and still want to consume the music, but we would also love to bring new fans into the Atheist fold.

Q: You guys obviously still have supporters nationwide; do you think you’ve lost some since the fall apart, and regrouping?

In fact, it was the exponential growth of supporters worldwide that caused the reformation of Atheist.

Q: With the hope of gaining new fans, was it just pure passion that led you guys to regroup and create yet another album?

It was quite the opposite. It was the fans and demands of promoters that caused Atheist to regroup. We had no plans or designs to reform, let alone do a new record. This was driven from a grassroots perspective from day 1.

Q: How does it feel to be back on the saddle and playing shows again?

It’s amazing, fun, and completely validating relative to our experience in the early 1990’s.

Atheist live in Norway, 2006

Q: Following up after the release of your LIVE album, what feedback have you been getting from your fan base?

Well, as the album was full of material that was already in circulation since 1992, the live album was well received.

Q: Do you all often get asked if you’re Atheists? What’s the most annoying interview question you’ve had to answer?

We get asked that perhaps 30% of the time, but it’s not big deal. I would expect it more often given the name of the band. And, there are no specifically annoying questions. Rather, the thing that bugs us is when the interviewer knows nothing about the band before conducting an interview. That is difficult and makes you wonder why they want to talk with us. That doesn’t happen very often, but it does occasionally.

Q: Tell me why people should see you all live. What do you think your shows offer that other bands lack?

Not that other bands lack it, but our shows are exciting and fun. We don’t put on the typical technical death metal show. Kelly is an amazing front man and is actually more like a party-band front man.

Q: What tours do you have planned if any?

We have several things lining up. Europe, US, South America, and Asia.

Q: Shoot into ten years in the future: where do you want to be as a band? Can we expect you all to churning out more albums in the next few years?

That will depend upon the readers!!! If they still demand it and we’re still having fun doing it, we’ll still be here. If neither of those is true, we will ride off into the sunset.


To learn more about Atheist, check out:

Official Site



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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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