Published on June 21st, 2013 | by Denise Borders
0Bath Salt Zombies: DVD Review
WHAT THE FUCK DID I JUST WATCH? I don’t do many DVD reviews. The only ones I’ve really done have been comedy related (stand up mostly). However, I get a lot of little punk rock presents in the mail that I’m not expecting, and this was one of them. With a soundtrack featuring The Dwarves, The Meatmen, The Murder Junkies, Antiseen and The Gaggers, it definitely has some cred.
MVD Visual distributed this NYC based horror-comedy film about some 20-something druggies that get involved in the wrong drug. They take bath salts in joint-form and don’t have any recollection of the horrible acts they commit while high. It’s definitely not meant to be taken seriously, and it reminded me a lot of the classic Thankskilling, which is a horror-comedy about a serial killer turkey. That one was a bit more cheesy and poorly made, but the overall premise of something so ridiculous happening with an obvious low budget was apparent in both.
Direct by Dustin Wayde Mills (Puppet Monster Massacre, Zombie A-Hole, Ballad of Skinless Pete), produced by Clint Weiler with executive producer Ed Seaman, this film stars all unknowns: Brandon Salkil, Josh Eal, Ethan Holey, Dave Parker and Jackie McKown. I have to say, the production team did a great job with what they were likely provided with. The special effects are mediocre, but above anything I could do if given After Effects or whatever program they used, so who am I to say they blow?
I’m not suggesting you go see this FANTASTIC MASTERPIECE, but if you’re bored and want a good laugh, it’s not a bad flick. You can get it on Amazon for around $10, so if you watch it 10 times in your life it’s worth it, right? I mean shit, going to a movie here in LA costs $16 minimum so for 10 measly bucks you can have 90 minutes of entertainment with a kick ass punk rock soundtrack. Oh… it also shows a lot of boobs.
Watch the trailer below if you need more convincing.
Bath Salt Zombies Official Website