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Published on April 5th, 2009 | by Denise Borders


Battle Royale (not the movie!)

The wonderful boys in The Syncope Threshold are vying for the ERNIE BALL stage at this year’s Warped Tour!


It’s very easy (if you’re not a total idiot.. sorry.. I guess that disqualifies a few of you.. haaaa ha), and doesn’t take much time at all. I’ve written out instructions and if you’re unable to follow them, go look in the mirror, feel bad for yourself, and then try again! 🙂

It will be a battle indeed!

It will be a battle indeed! Voting Instructions

Make an account with

Once you’re account is verified (via email), log into the site

Click BANDS (towards the top left, under the logo)

Scroll down some and to the right; enter The Syncope Threshold into the box

You’ll see a small box with their name, picture and the three locations they’re competing for: Los Angeles, Pomona & Ventura

You’re able to vote once a day for EACH location (i.e. You may vote three times a day, total)

Either click on the band name/picture and go to their profile OR click directly on one of the locations (Los Angeles, Pomona or Ventura) and simply click “VOTE,” which is the big red check mark to the left of their photo.

Once you’ve voted for that location, you will see a pop-up confirmation that you have voted once for that location

Now you’re able to go back (either clicking back on your browser or repeating the steps) and do it ONCE A DAY for EACH location.

I recommend becoming friends and a fan of the band, that way you can simply login, go to your profile and click on the band from your friends list, and it will save a few steps.

*Note: There are other ways to vote, but this seems to be the easiest. You can click “Competition” and choose by location, but it only makes more steps to get through

It seems like more steps than it actually is. It’s really like, four clicks and you’re done. Very little effort for such a great reward!! =)

The Syncope Threshold

The Syncope Threshold

Don’t forget to check out my interview with the band:


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About the Author

40, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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