
Published on August 21st, 2014 | by Denise Borders


Berserktown Fest feat. Final Conflict, Hoax, A Global Threat, Ceremony, Iron Lung and More


Los Globos is more than just a thumping nigh club, you guys. More often than you may be aware of, this Silverlake hole is host of insanely dirty, sold out and often bloody punk shows. Last weekend was no exception as the venue put on Berserktown Fest with lineups that you haven’t seen since the 90s. With a solid combo of national acts mixed with local punk kids doing their thing, Los Globos was so full that people were literally hanging from the ceilings just to fit in the room.  I knew some of the bands and definitely didn’t know some of the other bands, so good luck distinguishing who is in what picture because I don’t know half of them either!

Check out my photos from Saturday and Sunday night of the festival.  I literally shed some blood, sweat and [inner] tears for these pics so please, enjoy 🙂

*click image to view full size

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Sunday, August 17, 2014

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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