Stuff and Things

Published on April 23rd, 2018 | by Denise Borders


Check Out: Ultra Riot (Thrash Punk)

Recently, I did a Reverb Nation campaign where bands applied to be featured on the site.  I had over 1,200 submissions and of them, I chose three bands to feature. I am posting them in no particular order, and first is Ultra Riot.  This 5-piece is a thrash punk band hailing from Shreveport, Louisiana.

What did I hear from this band that separated them from the over thousand others? I felt a classic, old-school punk vibe from them from what, sounds like, people that can play their instruments well enough to make it through a show even if they were super wasted. While it seems they get political sometimes (as is expected from many punk acts), they seem to also sing a lot about partying and just having a good time. Can’t argue with that!

Check out their Reverb Nation artist page and take a listen for yourself. While you’re at it, check out some more of their links below:



Spotify: [search] UltraRiot

iTunes: Drone the Kids by UltraRiot

Here is a fan-shot live video featuring four of the band’s songs (PC Punks + We Are All We Have [cover] + UxR + MMC):

If you like what you here and think they deserve to be heard more, tell me on Facebook or Twitter!

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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