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Published on February 8th, 2010 | by Denise Borders


CHIODOS Announces New Singer

Last September, Chiodus vocalist, Craig Owens, parted ways with the band, leaving them without a singer. Alternative Press has just announced that Brandon Bolmer has taken the frontman spot in the band, Chiodos.  While the announced was going to “officially” be done at the Bamboozle California, an unofficial statement has leaked the news out already.


Be sure to check out the entire article on the official Alternative Press website:

This isn’t the first time Bolmer has filled in for a band’s missing vocalist- toward the end of the 2009 Warped Tour, he sang for Scary Kids Scaring Kids.

Bolmer in stage with SKSK @ 2009 Warped Tour

Bolmer on stage with SKSK @ 2009 Warped Tour

Whether he is the permanent replacement for Owens is yet to officially be announced. You’ll just have to stay tuned!


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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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