Published on August 8th, 2011 | by Denise Borders
0Death Punch / The Sparring “Round 1” review
I couldn’t be more stoked on these eight tracks by two bands that don’t give a shit what’s popular or cool in the scene now a days. There are bands that are a strict business; they do what they know is popular, but they didn’t exist five years ago and they won’t exist five years from now. Bands like Death Punch and The Sparring are singing old school punk rock anthems like the ones they’re influenced by, but they’re spinning their own aggression and views to bring in both new and old school fans alike. ROUND 1, BITCH.
Round 1 starts with my boys in Death Punch. They’re young but exude the musical stylings of bands much beyond their years. I love that they are unrepentant about their views and stick true to their roots. All I Need was the first track that really put a smirk on my face, and you can tell you haven’t seen the last of these dudes. With classic lyrics like “This is all I’ve got, this all I need…” this track is sure to get stuck in your big head. The next track, American Hero, is another favorite on the album. It’s a little slower paced than DP’s normal stuff, but has a solid punk rock feel that I just can’t dislike.
When the first Sparring track, Sheep, hits the speakers, I sort of smile at the fact that these two bands have extremely similar sounds. Copper and Ike have really similar singing styles, with what words they draw out and everything- but their voices are very distinct from one another. If you’re a fan of one band, you’re likely a fan of the other. Death Punch tends to be a little faster than The Sparring, but they’re definitely in the same realm of punk rock. This is a great track for the band and really exudes their recognizable sound.
Party is my favorite Sparring track on this record. Again; it’s just a song that has a classic, punk rock sound to it that I like every time around. This split is a classic for any punk rocker’s collection. For me, it’s one that suits any mood and definitely won’t get old. It’s out Aug. 9th on Old Shoe Records so so grab that shit! You can stream the album on Dying Scene to quench your punk rock thirst until it’s release tomorrow!
Don’t forget to check out my interview with Death Punch!