Album Reviews no image

Published on September 13th, 2010 | by Denise Borders


Death In The Park *album review*

Death In The Park

Andy Jackson – Vocals, Guitar
Aaron Holmes – Drums
Ronnie Gardner – Guitar
Derrick Karg – Guitar
Jake Sloan – Bass

Death in the Park

Track Listing:
1. Pitifully Exposed
2. Fallen (feat. Paramore’s Hayley Williams)
3. Do You Want Me Now
4. Laws Of Nature
5. Move To The Beat
6. The Run Around
7. Sway
8. How Much Is Too Much
9. Oh You Know
10. Walk Away

Andy Jackson, what can you say? He’s been all over the indie world for quite some time now. Several different bands have been able to work with him, and he’s always come through a better artist on the other side.

Right from the first track, I fell in love with this album. Along with Andy’s catchy voice, and Aaron Holmes drum beats that just lighten the song up, they found a way to have a greay lyrical stand point, that throws aggressive and deeper meanings at you, layered with a pure alternative rock sound. In, “ Do you want me now “ they do exactly that, flowing nicely with the first two tracks of the album. Most albums tend to slowly “give up” at the end of their tracks, but Death in The Park keeps it going with a soothing acoustic song “Oh you know” , that then sets up for another heartbeating track “Walk Away” . Ronnie and Derrick both accompany Andy J with mixing up the feel on this album, they can make you feel like skipping one moment and have you in the deepest mindset within minutes.

Most bands at this age are either sloppy or looking for fame, this band proves different.
The band sadly has taken a seat due to Jackson’s other projects, such as Terrible Things. Without interviewing the band I can’t tell you how they feel, but I wouldn’t be to down if I were them, they successfully put out a great self titled album that people will surely want to hear.

All in all, check this album out, nothing short of great. If you check this out, do yourself a favor and carefully listen to the lyrics. From one producer to another, good job Andy Jackson.

*album review by Ryan Craig*

To learn more about Death In The Park, check out:





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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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