Drunken Reviews no image

Published on October 5th, 2012 | by Denise Borders


Drunken Reviews: Ep 1 – Glitter Dick

May I present to you a brand new segment on PWV….. DRUNKEN REVIEWS.  I’ve had a lot of requests to do video album reviews so this is my first spin on it.  We have Brian Wilcox from hardcore bungholes, Alpha & Omega. He drinks a lot anyway so I figured HEY, why not put a mic in his hand, a camera in his face and some new records in his ears and see what comes out of his mouth.

Episode one features a band called Glitter Dick and their album, Sparkling Richard. Watch below as Brian tackles this one with a little help from Jack.

Glitter Dick Facebook

Glitter Dick Kickstarter

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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