Album Reviews no image

Published on September 15th, 2010 | by Denise Borders


Evolett *Album Review*


Haden Brightwell – Vocals
Tyler Gates – Guitar
Jonathan Flurry – Guitar
Russ Daly – Bass
Stephen Taunton – Drums

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Track Listing:

1. Only Time
2. This Compromise
3. The Portrait
4. Circles
5. We All Fall Down
6. Silent Illusion
7. Genetic Makeup
8. Hang On Every Word
9. Hold On
10. Careful Where You Sleep

Regrettably, I have never listened to Evolett until this review, but anything from producer Andy Jackson I’d consider listening to. Evolett formed in spring of 2008, and they didn’t waste time going to Alabama to record their first EP, Escape in July.

As for their newest recording, For Your Consideration, it’s a strong upgrade for the band. Haden Brightwell’s voice is unique to say the least, in my opinion she’s what holds this band from falling out from underneath itself. The clever harmonizing on multiple tracks, and nicely put together guitar bridges all play a role in making this album something they can be proud of. Although the lyrics are nothing short of cliché, Evolett does a good job of defining themselves from being compared to Paramore or Hey Monday.

As the album carries on, they grow nearer to sounding like Flyleaf, now don’t get me wrong Flyleaf is on a whole nother level… but regardless, Evolett is close to finding what sets them apart, and makes them a notable band. With lots of work ahead, let’s hope this band doesn’t fall into the mainstream prescence that music scene has developed for us.

Tracks that I would recommend would be: The Portrait and Hold On. Both show how unique Haden’s voice is, and how well Tyler and Jon’s talent on the guitar is something to listen for. All in all… check out this album, this bands a keeper.

*review submitted by Ryan Craig*

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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