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Published on September 17th, 2011 | by Denise Borders


Fear, Agent Orange, Harmful if Swallowed Live @ Canyon Club

September 16, 2011The Canyon Club in Augora Hills, which is a scene set for a cheeseball high school prom, was filled studded vest-wearing, green haired heathens that I like to refer to as MY PEOPLE. More beer!

The show opened with LA locals Harmful if Swallowed.  They’ve been getting play on KROQQ and seem to have a lot ahead of them! Be sure to check their Facebook page.

Harmful if Swallowed

Harmful if Swallowed

Harmful if Swallowed

After Harmful if Swallowed left the stage, punk rock veterans Agent Orange crawled up on that shit.  I have to admit that a huge perk of living in Southern California is getting to see these SoCal based punk bands play even at all!  When I lived in Kentucky, it would have been once in a blue-fucking-moon that Fear and Agent Orange come strolling through town.  This shit rules!

Agent Orange

To end the show, Fear decided to stop running wild in the streets for one hour and put their old punk bums on the stage for all to enjoy! These dudes have been doing this shit since the 70’s and it shows… on their faces.  They might be old but they actually sounded pretty damn good.





Agent Orange Official Site

FEAR Facebook

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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