Album Reviews no image

Published on March 10th, 2011 | by Denise Borders


Funeral For a Friend *album review*

Funeral For a Friend


Matthew Davies-Kreye – lead vocals

Kris Coombs-Roberts – guitar, vocals

Gavin Burrough – guitar, vocals

Ryan Richards – drums, vocals

Richard Boucher – bass

This band definitely brings me back. Â I first got into them in my later high school days and first saw them live in first year of college. Â They did the whole screaming on top of harmonic melodies before it was cool. #fact

Available 3.15.11


1. This Side Of Brightness

2. Old Hymns

3. Front Row Seats To The End of The World

4. Sixteen

5. Aftertaste

6. Spinning Over The Island

7. Man Alive

8. Owls (Are Watching)

9. Damned If You Do, Dead If You Don’t

10. Medicated

11. Broken Foundation

12. Welcome Home Armageddon

I won’t lie… I was a little scared to press play when I first got Welcome Home Armageddon for review. Their album Tales Don’t Tell Themselves was NOT the FFAF that I had grown to love, but instead some weird, radio friendly version of this band. Â When I heard they were working on a new album, I was thinking “oh great… here we go,” expecting it to be an updated version of their last radio-sounding crap. However, I LOVED the fact that I was proven wrong when I hit play. Â Welcome Home Armageddon is more like the Funeral For a Friend that I love, and I am so stoked on that. Â Reverting back to their original sound is something that was much needed, while still sounding like a new album.

The first track, This Side of Brightness isn’t my favorite, but don’t let it discourage you from listening to the rest. Even the next track, Old Hymns, is rad. Â It’s fast and really shows off Matt’s nice voice. Â I also happen to really like the lyrics of this song. Â However, my favorite song off this album has to be Broken Foundation. Â It really reminds me of the old FFAF that I’ve always loved, with a powerful opening verse and a good mix of screaming/singing/sort of talking.

This is a great album, man. Â Buy this shit.

*** Pre-order the album here! ***

Funeral For a Friend



Don’t miss their new video for Sixteen!



To learn more about Funeral For a Friend, check out:

Official Site





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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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