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Published on March 17th, 2011 | by Denise Borders


Joey Cape Interview

Joey Cape

Uhh… this isn’t his first rodeo.  Joey Cape (aka ‘The Caper’) has been playing music for a living for over 20 years.  After touring most of his career with Fat Wreck Chords as the frontman for Lagwagon, this mini-wonder has dipped his knob in many other projects, including Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Bad Astronaut, an acoustic solo adventure and now a new band called The Bad Loud.  Damn, JOE.

The Caper

He performed with his new band, The Bad Loud, at The Echo in Los Angeles last weekend (along with playing some solo acoustic Lagwagon/Bad Astronaut songs after) and I was beyond stoked to get to talk to him.  I mean.. it’s fucking JOEY CAPE.  I can’t imagine how many hours of my life have been spent listening to Lagwagon albums. It’s just too bad I can’t grow a beard of shame… or well.. maybe it’s okay 🙂

We dove into everything from his solo gig to what he wanted for dinner.  I have to admit, it’s one of my favorite interviews to date! Check it out!



Joey Cape live @ The Echo

Joey Cape live @ The Echo

The Bad Loud live @ The Echo

Joey Cape live @ The Echo

Joey Cape live @ The Echo


To learn more about Joey Cape, check out:

Official Site





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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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