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Published on September 6th, 2012 | by Denise Borders


Kyle Cease “I Highly Recommend This” DVD Review

I am only two days behind this shit because Comedy Central Records just released “I Highly Recommend This” from Kyle Cease September 4th in a CD/DVD combo pack. I am not one to listen to comedy CD’s so I skipped right to the DVD! HMM MOVING PICTURES!

I am by no means fit to be a comedian critique, but who gives a shit? I like what I like and I have a college education so, ONWARD! I have to first admit that I barely recognized him on this cover. You MIGHT remember him from such roles as BOGEY LOWENSTEIN from 10 Things I Hate About You. Uh huh.

Anyway, enough with irrelevant movies from my teenage years, we have a DVD to review! So anyway, as most comedy DVDs, it definitely looks like it was recorded in 1998.  It didn’t really snag me until a few minutes in when he made a penis joke involving a Nintendo reference and then I was like… okay I can get into this.

I’ve never watched his standup, which I sort of like going into a comedy DVD review because I have NOTHING to judge off of and they’re starting off with a clean slate. I’m one of those ‘I hate you before I like you’ people (sorry?) so a lot of humans have to sort of win me over on the screen. I have to say that if you were to tell me that a comedian kept high-fiving some dude in the front row, I would be like “OH GOD *EYEROLL*” but somehow, Kyle pulls this off without looking like a total douchebag. Good for him!

Aaaaand then he goes into some political jokes, which is where a lot of comedians lose me. They seem too easy and unless they’re really creative, I just hear a womp womp after every punch line. It’s usually like, “Oh! You’re making fun of Republicans? Is that new? You made that up!? Keep going!” and it just gets boring to me. It’s like making a roofing-Mexican joke… except that would probably still be way funnier.

Kyle goes straight from politics into religion, and I’m like…. WHERE ARE THE POOP JOKES?! But fine. I get it. They’re touchy and taboo so most comedians have to lean on them at some point.  He actually pulls this bit off pretty well with a lot of Maury Povich references. Yeahh.

He pretty much redeems himself with some minor vagina joke here and there anytime I get sort of whiney during the DVD. Then he got into some Hulk Hogan and shit, and I was like….. YES. This leads directly into some weird impressions that are actually pretty creative. You go, girl.

He definitely rolls into the bits that make you go “that is SO TRUE” a few times, which shows that it is a good joke. Or well, I think at least. But what do I know? I’m a woman.

There was a moment in the first half when Kyle mentioned he once worked at McDonald’s, which always makes me see people in a different light when I know they’ve worked shitty jobs just like everyone else at one point.  If you haven’t worked in the service industry, then you have no idea how horrifying the human race is. YOU ALL SUCK.

At this point, I am way more into the DVD than I was in the beginning because he moves into this creepy montage thing that I feel like most of my friends would think is kind of lame, but I thought it was funny for some reason. It really broke up the monotony of just listening to a comedian talk for an hour with a little weirdo-music. He also makes me laugh a little just when he smiles so big because he definitely looks like a cartoon.


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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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