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Published on March 4th, 2011 | by Denise Borders


Leftover Crack @ The Echo

Leftover Crack

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Brad Logan
Alec Baillie
Ezra Kire
Ara Babajian

Our favorite crustbags were at The Echoplex (the basement of The Echo) in Los Angeles last Sunday, February 27. Â The show was completely sold out, and that didn’t make the kids waiting outside too happy. Â Luckily, they had some 40 oz bottles to throw to express their anger!

Either way, LOC is one of my favorite bands of all time, and I was more than stoked to get to watch this show. Â The crowd was awesome and despite Sturg being on god knows how many drugs, it was a fucking rad show. Â If you ever have a chance to see them live, DO IT! Oh.. but be sure to buy tickets ahead of time, because regardless of how homeless or stinky they can be, they can pull a crowd and easily sell out. ROCK THE 40 OUNCE.

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo



Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Leftover Crack live @ The Echo

Check out some of the footage I got from the show!


To learn more about Leftover Crack, check out:

Official Site




Alternative Tentacles


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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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