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Published on November 17th, 2009 | by Denise Borders


MADINA LAKE *interview w/Nathan*

Madina Lake LIVE in Louisville, 2009

Madina Lake LIVE in Louisville, 2009

Madina Lake was off to a great start very early in their career. Shortly after releasing their debut album, From Them, Through Us, To You, they were voted Best Newcomer at the 2007 Kerrang! Awards. That had to be a great feeling for a new band; and their success hasn’t waned since. They are still popular in both the US and Europe, and I can bet they’ll have much more success to come.

with Nathan, Madina Lake (vocals)

with Nathan, Madina Lake (vocals)

While on their tour with Silverstein, The Word Alive, I See Stars and Closure in Moscow, I had the chance to interview Nathan Leone, lead vocalist for the Chicago based band.

I must admit, this boy is extremely personable. I’ve talked with a lot of bands, and I get a wide range of the stuck up, cocky type, and Nathan is far from that (which is great!). Even if you haven’t heard of Madina Lake before, I highly suggest that you check them out. They have reached great success across the world at this point, so they are doing something right! 🙂

Nathan and twin brother, Matthew LIVE in Louisville

Nathan and twin brother, Matthew LIVE in Louisville

You can view the entire album from their Louisville show here:

Madina Lake Photobucket Album

Nathan LIVE in Louisville

Nathan LIVE in Louisville

Madina Lake LIVE in Louisville

Madina Lake LIVE in Louisville

You can check out more of Madina Lake here:

Madina Lake Official Website

Madina Lake on MySpace

Roadrunner Records

Madina Lake Fan Site

Madina Lake

Madina Lake


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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

4 Responses to MADINA LAKE *interview w/Nathan*

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