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Published on February 23rd, 2011 | by Denise Borders


CHECK OUT: Me and the Captain

Me and the Captain

Me and the Captain

I’ll be honest: When I was first told to check out this band, I thought the pirate theme was interesting, but I wasn’t expecting anything great from the music aspect. Â Welp, I was WRONG. Â From the get-go, I will skeptical of the alien-like sounds coming through my car stereo, but as soon as the music started, it was a slow ease into “okay… I can get into this…” to “FUCK YEAH” by the time the fourth track rolled around.

They’re The Holiday Voyage album is available now, and I highly recommend checking it out! It’s semi-predictable metalcore, however, they always dress like pirates and sing primarily about pirate related things. Â Who could resist?

Available Now!

You can buy The Holiday Voyage on iTunes.

Check out one of the customer reviews from an iTunes purchase!

“by Chelsey Strain

The Captain has got some of the nicest vocals, not known around mainstream metal/ Post-Hardcore. But I met them on Warped Tour last year, fell in love with their sound, and they seemed like legit dudes. Definitely worth the 5 bucks to get. Yeah it’s funny lyrics, about each holiday, but they all got some great groundwork for a solid career, hope they come out with another LP soon!”

To learn more about Me and the Captain, check out:

Official Site




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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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