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Published on November 17th, 2008 | by Denise Borders


Nation’s First Transvestite Mayor

Oh those crazy Oregonians! Oregon has elected this country’s first transvestite Mayor, in the small city of Silverton.

Stu Rasussen says he enjoys wearing heels, dresses, and a long, red wig. He doesn’t intend to have a sex change operation or anything, he just likes to dress as a woman. Eh… fair enough! Ha ha, I mean, if he makes the town happy as mayor, I’d assume he could wear whatever the hell he wants!

In the 90’s he served two terms as mayor in another small town near the state’s capitol, Salem. Back then, he was campaigned as a man, dressed male, etc.. It was just this recent election that he actually campaigned as a transvestite. He’s very open about it and very pleased that the town has accepted him. He has also said that he is a straight man and has a girlfriend.

You know what I say? To each it’s own, man. I really don’t care what people are doing, as long as it’s not negatively effecting me or too many people, because who knows what someones reasons are for doing or liking something. We aren’t them, we don’t know their experiences, and I think this country needs to accept people’s differences more. I mean, we like that the U.S. is a “melting pot,” yet if someone has a viewpoint that doesn’t necessarily coincide with theirs, they snap! Ha, or that’s at least been my experience from a lot of people =) Oh well, you go, Stu!!!

Stu Rasmussen

Stu Rasmussen

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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