Stuff and Things

Published on November 24th, 2014 | by Denise Borders


The New Descendents Holiday Sweater is Really Expensive, But Cool

Every year, I order a damn Descendents holiday sweater.  Normally, this is a $25 crew neck sweatshirt. See below.


I have to admit that I was pretty shocked to see the 2014 holiday sweater was an ACTUAL sweater. The crew necks are made to look like a real sweater but obviously, are just sweatshirts. The new one is a full on knit sweater and with that, comes a higher price tag. $65 to be exact. See below.


These aren’t the only differences this year though, there is normally a pre-order done first, and then the pre-order ends and there’s a gap between then and when they make them available for purchase. However this year, there is NO PRE-ORDER! This is purchasing NOW and shipping NOW. So, you can order one NOW.

Kings Road Merch is always the vessel for this treasure, and they always sell out. As much as I do not want to spend $65 plus S&H, I had this feeling that if I didn’t purchase it now, I would end up buying a $200 one off eBay that was two sizes too large. I not only love the Descendents, but I love Descendents collectibles like this shit.

Now, I mentioned that they always sell out, which they do (of most sizes at least), but I’m wondering if this drastic change in material/price is going to negatively or positively impact sales.  Will more people buy it because it’s a high quality, knit sweater? Or will less people buy it because it’s more than twice the price?  I have to admit, I’m eager to see! If it had been any higher price, I’m not sure if I would have forked it over out of principal alone. I feel sort of guilty about getting this one honestly, because I shouldn’t be spending this frivolously right now…. BUT HERE I AM.  You can have a buyer’s remorse pit in your stomach too if you want and go purchase one now.

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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