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Published on October 1st, 2011 | by Denise Borders


Nick Kroll: Thank You Very Cool Review

PWV doesn’t do many comedy reviews, but they’ve been done before. SO GUESS THE FUCK WHAT? Here’s another!

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Nick Kroll, who many of you may recognize from FX’s The League, recently released a DVD called Thank You Very Cool. I wasn’t sure what to expect considering I’ve never seen his standup before, but I HAVE watched him on The League.  His character definitely has some funny moments, it’s one of those underrated shows in general if you ask me… but that is irrelevant. Onward!

Nick Kroll

I can tell from the cover that part of his shtick is to role-play different characters.  This can either be hilarious or go terribly wrong.  I personally prefer a comedian to just be themselves and be funny in that state, but I can respect someone who can pull a shtick off.

The set started with him as Bobby Bottleservice, the sort of macho, Jersey-esque tough guy that likes to party but still respects his mother.  No, Nick. NO. I didn’t find this character to be too funny… I feel the whole Jersey macho thing is so overdone with Jersey Shore and all that bullshit. So.. moving along.

The next act is Nick as himself…. thank god. Hail satan. Whatever you prefer.  I was relieved to actually chuckle at a few of his jokes.  Anyone that knows me knows that my maturity level is that of an 11-year old when it comes to most jokes. Oh, an example?  POOP JOKES NEVER GET OLD.  So when Nick starts cranking some fart jokes, I’m into it.

I’m not sure how this kind of DVD is produced or whatever, but I think that focusing on the role-playing gimmick was a bad choice.  He’s much more enjoyable as just his dorky self doing standup, and I feel like the DVD was focused on him playing all these different characters.  The cover, the opening… it’s all misleading and I think could definitely cause people to judge early on and possibly turn the DVD off.  If I wasn’t reviewing it, I would have put more effort into getting off the coach and taking it out… then again, it’s Saturday and I’m not really doing much as at 2 pm so… whatever.

Regarding my humor, another thing I enjoy is some good old fashioned racial humor.  Don’t get me wrong, I HATE THE ONE NOTE WONDERS.  If you’re a mexican comic and EVERY joke is about mexican this or mexican that or about BEING mexican, then I’m going to hate you.  It’s just the way it is.  However, doing a racial joke in the midst of other jokes is A-OK!  I can find humor in these because I am not an uptight asshole like many people in this country! I know not everything is meant to be taken seriously and I am able to laugh at a lot…. like funny jokes. Anywho- the moral of this paragraph is that Kroll throws in a few good racial jokes that were a nice breath of fresh air from his retarded Jersey-dude-bro character. Sheesh.

Kroll eventually breaks out the Michael Jackson bit, which on paper would seem like a horrible idea because you’re thinking… DUDE, IT’S BEEN DONE.  But no, I was actually stoked when his stuff was original and funny.  Good job, Nicholas! You feel the same way about Michael as I do. Did. He’s dead, we know. But things can still be funny.

The drunk packing bit that shortly follows the MJ crap was probably my favorite of the bunch. It’s not only funny but extremely accurate.  Kroll… thank you for this one. Aaaaand there’s another ridiculous character to break the funny momentum and piss us off.

The moral of this DVD review is DON’T stop watching it even though the opening completely blows.  When Kroll is just doing Kroll, it has it’s moments.  The characters are NOT so funny, despite his effort.  Let’s assume someone talked him into it and now he’s regretting going along with that part… yeah? We all wanna like you, Nicky-poo.

The DVD has some extras, but seeing they are all revolving around the characters he does that I despise so much…. I am not going to be watching them at this very moment. But hey, it looks like Stone Cold is saving the DVD for later… in his pants!

Nick Kroll Official Site

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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