
Album Reviews no image

Published on July 6th, 2011 | by Denise Borders


Norm MacDonald “Me Doing Standup” Review

*review by Jameson Isaiah Munoz
twitter: @jamesmunoz

As my first review for Punk World Views, I naturally decided to be highly professional and pound two blended margaritas before I even pressed play on my WalkMan. You know, my WalkMan has automatic rewind, which made getting a thorough listen of the Norm MacDonald comedy CD, “Me Doing Standup,” very convenient. But enough about my collection of hi-tech audio products, onto the review!

Available Now!!

Now, this might come as a surprise to you, but never before have I chuckled to the point of tears from the story of a man “losing the battle” to bowel cancer, and that incident occurred a mere ten minutes into the album. I’ve also never been able to spoil the best joke on a comedy album before, while doing a comedy album review, until just now.

During the hour-long album, as Mr. MacDonald ripped through his well-crafted batch of dry witted, old-man-trapped-in-a-middle-aged-man’s-body style jokes, I only found myself distracted by some erotic text messages from an old-flame 3 times.

Yes, I said THREE TIMES! My friends, the jokes are THAT funny! Listening to this album, made me wish for simpler times. Times when a man could just be a man and not worry about keeping up with the latest fashions like No Fear t-shirts, or the hippest music trends like the swing music revival, or fads like free-style walking. It also made me wish I was in the audience with the rest of these chuckleheads. I wonder how much they paid to see Norm Macdonald that night. I also wonder if they bought any merchandise. Do comedians have t-shirts for sale at their shows? I saw Gilbert Gottfried once and he had CDs for sale, but he didn’t have shirts. Someone should make Norm Macdonald a nice t-shirt so he can sell them at his live shows. But I digress, “Me Doing Standup” made me laugh. Out loud. In the comfort of my friend’s home. While she was watching some ABC Family sitcom on Hulu. I wore headphones on my head so she could enjoy her show, but my incessant laughter only distracted her to the point where she just began laughing AT me, laughing at the Norm MacDonald comedy album.On a side note, if you somehow missed out on Norm’s hilarious, critically brutalized film “Dirty Work,” you should do yourself a favor, build a time machine, go back 13 years and see it in theaters with all of your friends and family. Actually, don’t do that, because if all of you go back in time machines and make “Dirty Work” a box office blockbuster, he might let all of the fame and fortune go to his head and in the future, he’ll just be another washed-up hack comedian who keeps cranking out awful children’s movies every summer for the last 20 years of his life.
Follow Norm on twitter @normmacdonald or follow the fucking reviewer at @jamesmunoz


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About the Author

40, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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