Published on March 11th, 2018 | by Denise Borders
0PHOTOS: Architects, STYG, Counterparts @ The Fonda (Hollywood, CA)
Last Wednesday, a lot of kids were out late on a school night because The Fonda was PACKED for Architects, Stick to Your Guns and Counterparts. For any new-school hardcore kid, this lineup is pretty stacked. I hadn’t seen these bands in about a year, and I’d never seen Counterparts actually (I only really know one of their songs but I was eager to see them on stage). Despite it being really dark with lots of young, newbie photographers sticking their elbows in my face and stepping right in front of me, I HAD FUN. Please check out my photos below!
all photos by Denise Borders (PWV)
*click photo to enlarge to full image
Check out all the photos on the PWV Facebook.