Published on December 18th, 2013 | by Denise Borders
0Punk Rock Bowling Announces First Few Bands
This kind of news is my favorite kind of news! And by that, I mean when Punk Rock Bowling starts announcing bands! YES YES YES. The 4-day music festival that takes place each Memorial Day weekend in Las Vegas has just announced the first string of bands. This is the festival’s 16th year and I hope they keep going until I am too old to be alive anymore.
PRB is three days of festival shows and four nights of club shows, as well as a two-day bowling tournament. This is always my favorite weekend of the year, so don’t die or get married around these dates because I won’t attend a funeral/wedding or anything like that.
Peep the flier above and check out the list of bands below to see who has already been announced.
Anti-Nowhere League
The Adicts
Angelic Upstarts
Cerebral Ballzy
Plus much, much more tba