
Published on December 2nd, 2014 | by Denise Borders


A Response To The People Responding To The PRB Complainers + My Response To Announcement

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Recently, the 2015 Punk Rock Bowling headliners were announced and it seems that it’s pretty split of people that are stoked and people that are not so stoked.  THAT IS FINE.  The entire internet is getting so upset over people not liking the headliners, Rancid, Refused and Dropkick Murphys. I have added a few screen shots of posts about the announcement below.

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IT’S THE INTERNET.  Everyone is going to give their opinion and that’s fine.  However, when it comes to arguing I do not appreciate personal attacks.  For example: Mr. Hood (directly above) did not say “the people that booked this festival are stupid assholes” he simply said the new lineup sucks, which implies he may not be a fan of the three bands announced. He’s entitled to express his opinion, which he did not do in a malicious or personally attacking way. Mr. Kane (top screenshot), however, personally attacked those that expressed they did not like the lineup.  This was (in my opinion), unnecessary.  A better way to express his discontent with those people might have been something along the lines of, “It’s too bad so many people aren’t fond of the lineup because I am stoked!” And he definitely should have omitted the “fuck those people” because it is everyone’s right to not like a band. But…. here we are. I just felt like I saw so many awful comments about “fuck those people that are whining” that I wanted to say something.  Regarding the center screen shot, I included that because I really hate when people excessively hashtag posts. Also, Mr. Working Class, the proper word would be “go so well” instead of good. But that’s okay. Let’s have some whiskey together in Vegas!

Wasn’t it expected that not everyone would be stoked? Ask 100 people to name five bands they love and five they hate and you’ll get multiple bands that fall in both categories. Now I will give my thoughts as I read each band name in the announcement.

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RANCID: Alright… I always have a great time watching Rancid! With that being said, I’ve definitely seen them more times than I can can count on both hands, but typically when you see a band that many times it’s with good reason.  I’m not blown away by this one, because they aren’t a “gem” or rarity in the scene.  Most people I know (that like them) have seen them at least once.  With all that aside, this is a solid headliner.

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REFUSED:  I didn’t pretend to like this band ten years ago and I won’t pretend the like them now.  I don’t dislike them or anything, I just never saw what the big fuss was about.  Something about them just never did it for me and so I’m not too stoked on this one. I’ve never seen them live so I’m leaving the option open that they could blow me away and I could become a fan… but I’m not expecting that. It could be worse, though!

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DROPKICK MURPHYS: This one is a lack-luster reaction from me because I do like DKM, I enjoy seeing them live but I don’t listen to them on a regular basis or have any sort of attachment to them.  So I’m like… yeah, sure, I’ll watch the Dropkick Murphys! But ya know, I’m not ecstatic like I would be if it was… the Descendents. But lets be real, I could watch that band every weekend and never get sick of it.

So to sum up my reaction: I am still going.  I always have a kick ass time at PRB no matter who is headlining or playing.  It’s just a fun festival and it does the damn thing right.  These bands are good and I will have lots of fun.

OH and also, PRB has just announced a few more bands:

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Okay bye.

Punk Rock Bowling Official

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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