Browsing the "rock" Tag

Top 10 Albums: Danko Jones

December 2nd, 2012 | by Denise Borders

We have an eager beaver on our hands because 2012 isn’t even over yet, but that crazy Canuk Danko Jones gave [&hellip

Top 10 Bassists: Razer

September 20th, 2011 | by Denise Borders

Chris Catero of Razer gave PWV his Top 10 favorite bassists! Chris knows a thing or two about bass, he’s [&hellip

No Back Up Plan SPLIT review

September 9th, 2011 | by Denise Borders

Samuel Caldwells Revenge/Perdition “No Back Up Plan“ (split)  *review by Adam Morrow Samuel Caldwells Revenge Rev. Lou Shaun – [&hellip

Top 10 Albums: LYNAM

August 29th, 2011 | by Denise Borders

LYNAM vocalist (and Emmy Award Winner) Jacob Bunton gave PWV his Top 10 favorite albums! LYNAM currently touring and supporting their [&hellip

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