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Published on August 27th, 2012 | by Denise Borders


The Chuck Dukowski Sextet Interview

If you don’t know who Black Flag is, then you can get the fuck out right now.  Okay, those of you still here, HI! So this post isn’t about Black Flag but instead about an off-shoot band called The Chuck Dukowski Sextet. This band intrigued me for no other fact other than THE DUKE (best known for slapping bass in Black Flag from their incarnation). This music style isn’t really my bag, but It’s always interesting to see what people have been up to post-awesome band-ness, and it was interesting to learn a little about The Chuck Dukowski Sextet. Hmm. Sex.

At The Satellite in Silverlake (that is a super hipster area in Los Angeles for those of you that don’t already know), I had the chance to talk to the whole gang after their show.  Check this shit out.

Here are a few photos from their set. Hmmm. Pictures. (all photos by Denise Borders)

If this sparks your curiosity enough to learn more about The Chuck Dukowski Sextet, be sure you examine our awkward family photo (above) and then check out their Facebook, MySpace, and buy their latest album, Haunted, here!

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

One Response to The Chuck Dukowski Sextet Interview

  1. Pingback: Flag is the new Black Flag (what the shit?) - PunkWorldViews.com

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