Album Reviews no image

Published on April 4th, 2011 | by Denise Borders


The Color Morale *album review*

The Color Morale

The Color Morale



Garret Rapp – Vocals

Ramon Mendoza – Guitar

John Bross – Guitar/Vocals

Steve Carey – Drums

Justin Hieser – Bass

Hailing from Rockford, IL, The Color Morale has some pretty big shoes to fill when you think of that areas music scene. Elizabeth Elmore (Sarge & The Reputation) instantly comes to mind. This Rock/Post Hardcore quintet shares a label with Attack! Attack!, Miss May I, Emarosa, & a punk legends, Piebald.

Available Now!!!

Track Listing:

1. Nerve Endings
2. Human(s)being
3. The Dying Hymn
4. Be Longing Always
5. Walkers
6. Demon Teeth
7. Falling Awake
8. Quote on Quote
9. This Lost Song Is Yours
10. fill;avoid

After listening to as much of the new album I could possibly stand before I decided to jab rusty nails into both of my ears, I went back to their previous release We All Have Demons to compare and contrast. The comparison was evident within the first 45 seconds; both sound identical! If you loved the first release, you’re going to go bat-shit crazy over this one. If you hated the first album, well then you won’t want to even waste your time or effort. Being from a musical city such as Rockford, IL you would think instantly of Cheap Trick. Well, that’s exactly what you get here. Rise Records signs and releases yet another “Flash in the Pan Cheap Trick” to sell and market the same exact music/noise over and over again to angry teenagers with trust funds. Will someone bring back the days of real music and end this screaming, growling, drop-F tuning, cliche shit already? Only the listener can end this cycle by not supporting this crap for one more second! This means don’t buy this album or any other album by the same annoying yet “different bands” that get shoved down our throats these days by Hot Topic. If I had to pick a track to rape and murder someone to, I guess I would choose “Human(s)being.” So there you have it, save your ten bucks that you worked so hard for and go pick up the new album by a REAL band from the Chicago area, the Smoking Popes This Is Only A Test. If you take offense to this review you probably are the spoiled trust fund baby/music elitist that has bastardized the term “Hardcore” and seriously fucked up the music industry beyond repair. So my suggestion to the latter, hold your breath until I say stop. Ready? Go!

*review by Mike Williams of Louisville, KY



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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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