Album Reviews no image

Published on August 5th, 2010 | by Denise Borders


The Graduate *album review*

The Graduate

Matt Kennedy
Tim Moore
Max Sauer
Corey Warning
Jared Wuestenberg

The Graduate

The Graduate

Springing out of Springfield, Illinois (oh I’m burning in Hell for that one) comes indie/emo sensation, The Graduate. These boys are about to release a brand new album called, Only Every Time, which drops August 31, 2010.


Track List
Don’t Die Digging
Stuck (Inside My Head)
Make Believe
Pull Me In
Halfway There
Permanent Tourists
All At Once
End of the World Delights
For the Missing

If you’re into emo-indie music then this album is right up your alley. Â They have a Saves the Day meets The Killers sound that’s catchy and sweet. Vocalist Corey Warning has a great voice, although I can’t say anything on the album really blew me away. Then again… as I’ve said before, I’m a scummy punk rocker at heart, so anything with an indie-pop feel will probably not tickle my fancy. However, I can appreciate someone being good at what they’re doing, and if you’re into this kind of music, this is definitely an album to check out. Â It’s kind of safe; nothing new but will get stuck in your head if you’re jamming to it on your way to work or something. Â I can at least notice that they’ve developed as musicians and writers since their debut album, Anhendonia.

I could do without the track, Pull Me In, but I have to say that almost every track is diverse which is a strength of the album. Even punk legends MxPx don’t have that in all their albums (where you can barely tell when the track changes because all the songs are so similar). Â These tracks range from ballad type songs to electronica tracks like Permanent Tourists. Â I would have picked a different song than Don’t Die Digging as an album opener, simply because the song isn’t catchy or memorable enough. Â An album should start off with a bang so that you WANT to listen to the rest of the album; and I think maybe even the second track, Siren, would have been a better choice since it’s not quite as generic sounding.

So yeah.. I’m a little back and forth on this album because it’s not horrible but it’s definitely nothing to scream about. And let’s face it… Denise likes to scream. Rawr.

To learn more about The Graduate, check out their MySpace


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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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  1. Pingback: The Graduate *interview with Corey (vocals)* -

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