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Published on August 19th, 2013 | by Denise Borders


The Last is Reuniting, Bitch (feat. Bill Steveson)


Los Angeles punk band The Last is reuniting after 17 years. End Sounds Records will be releasing their upcoming album to be entitled Danger! this Fall. This will be the band’s 7th full-length record and features members Joe Nolte [vocals, guitar] and Mike Nolte [vocals, keyboard], Bill Stevenson [drums], and Karl Alvarez [bass].

While this is being seen as “reuniting” the band never really went away. They started making records as early as 1979 and haven’t released anything since the mid 90’s, but they never “broke up” or anything. Now with Austin-based record label, End Sounds, they will continue to build their formidable legacy.

Label president Jonathan Gill comments:

“Punk, in general, owes quite a great deal to The Last, as we hope you’ll find out. When Joe Nolte and Bill Stevenson (Black Flag, Descendents, ALL) asked if End Sounds would like to release their next record, it felt like a circle being completed. We’re all very excited. They keep progressing, and we hope you hear that with the new songs. Get ready for some snarl and melody.”

The band has schedule a performance Sunday, November 3rd at The Fest in Gainesville and plan to release more tour dates soon.

End Sounds

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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