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Published on July 23rd, 2013 | by Denise Borders


The Whiskey Riders “Here to Burn” Album Review


The Whiskey Riders
“Here to Burn”

review by Denise Borders

This band contacted me because when I lived in Louisville, I would actively attend the singer’s old band’s shows. The band was called My Finest Hour and were quite the local music heroes; everyone knew who they were and while they weren’t signed to a label or a nationally touring band, they had a pretty decent pull at shows. I can tell you, if you were a fan or familiar with that band, this band, The Whiskey Riders, sound nothing like them. Whether that is good or bad is a judgment call. Anyway…… onward.


The first track is just a weird intro of a country man telling a story or some shit so we’re going to skip that one. Right onto the second track, Here Come the Whiskey Riders, seems like it should be a good introduction to the band. My first impression is 80’s as fuck. They’re that sort of sludgy hair metal if that makes sense. Like a slower White Snake or something. The vocalist, Johnny, actually has a pretty strong voice that I don’t feel is portrayed in this production quality. It’s got some decent riffs though. It has a little bit of a Cancer Bats feel too and let’s face it, they fucking rule.

When the third track, Shotgun Sisters, starts, I can tell the album definitely has a theme of drinking. Themes are cool. I imagine if there was a music video to this song, it would be like the 89’ Christina Applegate sneaking out of her parent’s house and then some scenes with her headbanging side-to-side in a white Thunderbird convertible with a bottle of Jack Daniels in one hand and a cigarette in the other. Then maybe onto some house party with a bunch of people passed out in the floor and then a bunch of frizzy dark hair swirling around. Damn kids!

Ain’t Comin Back sounds like something out of Kill Bill for sure. This one seems to go even further back on the music wheel. This is the kind of shit you ease back and forth to in a rocking chair drunk as fuck with a shotgun in one hand and a half full bottle of whiskey in the other. About two minutes in it just gets a little weird but I don’t hate it. If you listen to the song, you’ll hear exactly what I’m talking about.

I’m going to jump ahead to Time Bandit because let’s face it, I’ve already lost half the readers that started this so let’s do this shit. This track sounds straight up outta Sons of Anarchy. They should try to market to that shit. I love that show but I’m not gonna lie, this style of music isn’t usually my cup of tea but for some reason it’s a refreshing break from a lot of the crap that has been sent to me in the last few months. Whatever.

Now I am going to skip all the way ahead to Under the Overpass because I see this song is only 47 seconds long. I’m like WTF this isn’t a song, this is a fucking nature track your ass sleeps to. So before I know it, I’ve rolled onto Find Our Way, which sort of sounds like the beginning of a Bret Michaels song. The vocals break in and it still sort of sounds like something Bret Michaels would sing but Johnny has a much different voice than that retard. However, I have a feeling The Whiskey Riders would love some of that Poison fan-base because I think it would be the same people, and by people I mean Rock of Love contestants and by Rock of Love contestants, I mean chicks with more than three STDs that are unemployed actresses that landed an audition and made it far enough to be on a reality show. Good job!

So to end this album, this band put an eleven minute track called Symphony of the Lost Boys and it’s just sort of weird but who gives a shit? It’s a song that turns into people talking about having problems and it just loses me about six minutes in.

This album is weird but some of you weirdos might be into it. If you like that creepy country shit, I would say check this shit out.

The Whiskey Riders Official

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About the Author

40, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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