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Published on April 26th, 2011 | by Denise Borders


Title Fight “Shed” Review

Title Fight

Title Fight

Jamie Rhoden
Ned Russin
Shane Moran
Ben Russin

While Title Fight is a new band to many, like myself, they’ve actually been around for a few years now. Â Following the footsteps of hardcore acts like Lifetime and Jawbreaker, they’re bringing back an familiar sound to a genre that I love. Â Hardcore is a scene that is often misunderstood, but I’m telling you, Title Fight is not a band to be missed. Â Before their debut full length, Shed, was even released, they had so much buzz around them, it’s hard to believe they’re 20-21 years old!

Shed hits stores May 3rd on SideOneDummy.


1 Coxton Yard
2 Shed
3 Flood of ’72
4 Society
5 You Can’t Say Kingston Doesn’t Love You
6 Crescent-Shaped Depression
7 Safe In Your Skin
8 Where Am I?
9 Your Screen Door
10 27
11 Stab
12 GMT (Greenwich Mean Time)

This album starts off rad with the first track, Coxton Yard, which happens to be my favorite on the whole record. Â That does NOT mean that it does downhill from there. Â Track after track, I am loving these kids more and more. Â You wouldn’t believe Jamie’s tiny frame by the heart that comes out of his vocals. Â I can hear the band chemistry through this fucking album. Â That is no lie. Â The third song, Flood of 72, is also a personal favorite from the album. Â I love when songs start off slow for a few seconds, and then burst into quick drums that make it hard not to tap your foot or bob your head to.

If you’re looking for something a little slower, tracks like Crescent-Shapred Depression and Safe in Your Skin will be more your bag on this record. Â These guys know what they’re doing, and if you’re not listening to Title Fight, you’re missing out. Â This is a band that’s real as fuck, and they aren’t wasting your time with Shed. Â Go pick it up May 3rd.

To learn more about Title Fight, check out:

Title Fight Interview with PWV






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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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