Top 10...

Published on December 23rd, 2019 | by Denise Borders


Top 10 Albums of 2019: via Blag Dahlia (The Dwarves)

“Sorry, I did this on a plane with no internet so I didn’t know what any of the records were called. But I didn’t want to disappoint Denise, she gets mad and smacks me around sometimes. Please help me!” – BLAG

1. HeWhoCanNotBeNamed- I love this guy, he is my pal forever and he made a record. I forget what it’s called. Buy it!
2. Supersuckers- I love these guys, they are my pals forever and they made a record. I forget what it’s called. Buy it!
3. The Hookers- I love these guys, they are my pals and they made a record. I forget what it’s called. Buy it!
4. Decent Criminal- I love these guys, they are my pals and they made a record. I forget what it’s called. Buy it!
5. The Dahmers- I love these guys, they are my pals and they made a record. I forget what it’s called. Buy it!
6. Sucker- The Jonas Brothers- this was the best song of the year, I never got the record, though
7. Adele- Let’s Pretend This Record Is Good Because I’m Sad
8. Billie Eilish- Let’s Pretend This Record Is Good Because I’m Young
9. Post Malone- Let’s Pretend This Record Is Good Because I’m High
10. DJ Khalid – Let’s Pretend This Record Is Good Because I’ve Got Really Big Management


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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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