
Published on July 7th, 2015 | by Denise Borders


Top 10 Albums: Versus the World


I love lists, if you couldn’t tell already. Whether it’s a year-end list or just in general, one of my favorite lists to get from an artist is their Top 10 Favorite Albums. Donald Spence of Versus the World gave PWV his Top 10 Favorite Albums with a little excerpt as to why! Do you agree or disagree with anything on his list? Tell me on Twitter or Facebook!

10. Weezer “Pinkerton”

Instead of going in any type of order I’m just going to go through my list and see where it takes me. But I am going to start with my favorite record. Ever since the day I bought it in ’96 I’ve probably put it on at least once a week. I know every word, every drum beat, every little nuance of this record. I have bought it at least 4 times. It’s aggressive and mellow at the same time. Shows what can be accomplished when you’re thinking about tone on a record. I can’t describe what the album does for me, I just know that I need it.

9. Lagwagon “Let’s Talk About Feelings”

This is, to me, the perfect Lagwagon record. From the first notes of “After You My Friend” to the last ripping drum fill of “Owen Meany” every song is amazing. Joey is on his game him lyrically & vocally. It’s short and sweet, I think it’s under 30 minutes, but that’s all they needed. Just fucking awesome.

8. Alkaline Trio “From Here to Infirmary”

I’m not sure if it was the time in my life when this record came out that made it so special to me, or if it was that it’s really just that good. But this is my “go to” trio record. If I’m driving and I need to stay awake this is the first album I put on. I will sing the shit out of this record. Really clever writing and super cool and dark melodies with simple but smart hooks. This record made me a die hard Trio fan for life.

7. The Refreshments “The Bottle & Fresh Horses”

I love The Refreshments. They only had two records and either of them make my list. I reference them lyrically quite a bit. Me and my best friend growing up knew every song they’d written. I remember drinking and playing these songs on acoustic while we’d both sing at the top of our lungs. I still do that when ever me and Mikey from Authority Zero get together. Our TM and one of my best friends knows that anytime were driving through the desert I’m going to climb in the front seat of the van with a bottle of wine and put this record on. “Fizzy, Fuzzy, Big, and Buzzy” is their first record… Might as well buy em both.

6. Drag the River “You Can’t Live This Way”

Goddamn is this a good album. John and Chad are some of my favorite people on the planet. They played my wedding, we’ve toured together, laughed and shared I don’t know how many bottles. I never miss them play. Drag the River was described to me as “a band’s band” when I first heard them. Which pretty much means all the bands you like… Listen to this band. Starts out with “The Death of the Life of the Party” and from then on it just carries. If Chad Price’s voice doesn’t move you, I don’t know what will.

5. NOFX “The Decline”

It’s just one song but holy shit is it good. Mike is, in my opinion, at his lyrical best here. So many metaphors, and clever lines hidden everywhere. I was blown away when I first heard it and I’m still really very impressed with how well written it is. It’s also the best song to bully the jukebox with. It’s a real dick move… But trust me…it feels good.

4. Thrice “The Illusion of Safety”

They were super young kids playing punk, metal, and hardcore? That wasn’t a thing before bands like Thrice started so I was really into what these guys were doing. I was into bands like Pantera, Metallica, but I also loved The Ramones, and Rancid. I felt like these guys were in-tune with all of that. Even though I think Artist in the Ambulance is a better record I still go back to this gem. Fun little triva… Thrice’s first show was at the Chain Reaction opening up for Mike’s old band The Ataris. Small world.

3. Superdrag “Head Trip in Every Key”

Versus was in the studio making our first record 11 years ago and our producer Thom Flowers gave me this record to get some inspiration. Wow. Just wow. There is so much going on that it takes a few listens to soak it all in. So many parts, strings, piano, vocal harmonies layered really well. So happy I was given this record. I really love it.

2. No Use For a Name “Making Friends”

“What’s your name?” “Fuck you. THAT’S my name”. This record is insanely fun to listen to. It never lets up. Every song just keeps my heart beating. I feel like the recording was really raw and didn’t have the polish a lot of the other NUFAN records did and I really liked it. Plus they had a tribute to KISS on the secret track. That’s rad. This band had a huge part in my life story. Tony took us under his wing when we were just starting out and took us on tour all over the world. He didn’t have to, he just liked our band. I can’t thank him enough for what he did for us.

1. Roy Orbison “Black and White Night”

This guy might have had the most beautiful voice of all time. When I was a kid my dad had the “Black and White Night” laser disc and we watched it all the time. Everyone is there… Springsteen, Clapton, Costello, Bonnie Raitt it was really amazing. Cryin’ is a three minute long crescendo of awesome, Only the Lonely is one of my favorite songs I’ve ever heard. I remember this being one of those first moments when I thought “I’m going to be a singer.” Roy Orbison forever.

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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