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Published on November 13th, 2008 | by Denise Borders


Toxic Bottles??

Alright so.. I’m sure most of us have refilled/reused a plastic water bottle sometime in our life. I have heard people say that it’s not the best thing to do, because bacteria can build up, blah blah.. but I figured that I didn’t refill the same bottle enough times to actually do any harm to my health. But really.. what do I know?

I decided to do a little internet research on the subject. On, I read about the safey concerns of refilling plastic water bottles, and this is what they have to say about it:

When consumers choose to refill and reuse convenience-size plastic bottles, should they be concerned about potentially harmful bacteria?

Not if they clean their plastic bottles between uses just as they would other drinking containers. Plastics are by nature extremely sanitary materials, and plastic bottles are no more likely to harbor bacteria than other kinds of packaging or drinking containers. Bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments. Once bacteria have been introduced, virtually any drinking container (coffee mugs, drinking glasses, serving pitchers, etc.) becomes a suitable environment for bacterial growth.

Consumers should clean any drinking container with hot soapy water and dry thoroughly between uses. Bottles specifically designed for extended reuse are often made with wide openings that allow consumers to use cleaning instruments and easily dry them.

Ahhh-HA! So my boyfriend can tell me as many times as he wants that it’s soooo bad for me to refil the bottles a few times, but in reality it most likely will never effect my health. Then again.. I can’t admit to cleaning the bottles with warm, soapy water.. ha ha.. so I probably am susceptable to it’s harmful bacteria. *gasp* What ever will I do?!?! haha.. no but really, it’s something people should be aware of so they don’t continue to do it over and over again. I normally reused plastic bottles for the gym or if I’m going to use some Crystal Light To Go drink mix or something. Seems like it’s not the worst thing to do.. but doing it often, without cleaning it first, could mean you’re drinking bacteria (gag). So… stay clean, kiddos.

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About the Author

40, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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