Published on October 20th, 2008 | by Denise Borders
6Why I hate Good Charlotte
By far, one of the worst, poser bands out there today is the cringe-worthy Good Charlotte.
Talk about PRETENDING to be hard-core and punk. Nothing makes me want to puke more than some idiot on MTV with a mohawk and tattoos, pretending to be punk while singing crap like, “Lifestyles of the Rich and the Famous” or whatever that horrible song was that made my ears bleed.
Now, they’re on TV with “Obama” shirts on, preaching that change is what we need, blah blah, when they could give two shits about what real people are doing that actually WORK for a living. Everyone supporting Obama is either only voting for him because he’s black, they live in “dream land” where they don’t work for anything they have/don’t pay for crap, or they’re just trying to be cool and do what seems to be popular. Good Charlotte is a great example of what people think “cool” is, when, in fact, they are exactly what is NOT cool. I can’t stand things that are mainstream popular, it makes me sick that just because MTV tells us something is cool, that people actually follow it and buy into it. GAG! Good Charlotte is a horrible, HORRIBLE band. They aren’t talented, they’re super posers, and I’ve heard they were huge assholes. I mean, the one dude is dating Paris Hilton and other other is dating Nicole Richie? Oh, you are SO punk. I mean, you must be since you have tattoos and wear eyeliner. Makes me want to puke. If you love this band, please come visit me so I can punch you in the face.
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