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Published on August 16th, 2013 | by Denise Borders


Worthwhile “Carry On Kid” Album Review


“Carry On Kid”
In Vogue Records

review by Denise Borders

I’ve been digging through promos sent to me lately and trying to give the bands I’ve never heard of a good, solid listen. Worthwhile is definitely a band I’ve never even remotely heard of, let alone actually listened to. Let’s see what this shit is all about.

image002available now

1. Evergreen
2. Homebuilder
3. Melody, Save Me
4. Full Hands, Empty Hearts
5. Live For What Lasts
6. 1937
7. At Seapoint
8. How Do I Look Up To A Man In The Ground?
9. Vagrant
10. Unlovable
11. Messy Masterpiece

When I first hit play, I was immediately reminded of MS White, an Italian metalcore band that I actually was really fond of. As I’ve said, I don’t usually like that metalcore/screamo bullshit but sometimes I give a band a chance and they grow on me. I definitely don’t like these guys quite as much but it’s not stopping me from listening to the rest of the album.

They sound like they would draw the same crowd as Touche Amore, Defeater and bands like that. Speaking of those bands, Defeater bassists, Jay Maas actually re-mixed and re-mastered this record. Reading that made me realize that this album is a re-release. I don’t feel bad or out of the loop that I didn’t know that because I guarantee none of my friends have heard of this band. That’s not to say they wouldn’t like them, but I have a lot of music snob friends. I mean, duh.

So I’m four paragraphs in and yet to actually talk specifics about a song. Here we go. At this point, I am on Melody, Save Me. I can imagine this singer performing barefoot, and if that’s true, I’m going to be really pissed off because I fucking hate that. Even with that said, this record is not that bad so far. It’s not typically my cup of tea but the production value on it is really good and I don’t mind the singer’s screaming voice. There are parts that remind me of letlive and they rule for sure.

This might sound weird, but I really hate snare solos. Like I hate when all the playing stops except the banging of a snare drum and they do that a few times. I don’t know why I hate it, maybe because I listen to my music really loud and then the snare drum sort of hurts my ears more than just all the instruments playing at once with vocals. Whatever, I don’t even know what that is supposed to mean I’m just making conversation here.

Anyway, the record is available now and if you’re a fan of that post-hardcore stuff, then you will definitely dig it. If I am being brutally honest, I probably won’t put this song on my iPod to jam to but I won’t delete it from my iTunes so that says something.

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

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