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Published on August 29th, 2012 | by Denise Borders


Descendents Talk New Album (!!!)

You know those times you read something on the internet and legitimately get excited? No, not the emails with your 50% off laser hair removal coupons, but REAL news that’s actually cool.  Okay so that one would be cool because that shit is so expensive but we’re getting really off topic here. GET READY, Y’ALL. A few days ago, PureVolume posted a Q&A with my wannabe best friend, Milo Aukerman of only the greated band ever, the Descendents, and it leads us to believe there are many excellent things coming up!

Descendents @ GV30 (photo by Denise Borders)

For a band that’s been releasing music for over two decades, I still can’t wait for new shit from this band! Although I am also someone that believes one can’t have too many Milo tattoos so…. take it as you will.  Bottom line is the Descendents fucking rule and have paved the way for many-o-bands that are thriving to today.  I first heard them when I was in second grade and I don’t think my life has been the same since.

The PureVolume interview reveals:

Have you been writing any new material? Any possibility of a new Descendents album?
We are all writing new stuff, and there is definitely a commitment to record at some point. But we also have our regular lives, and I don’t think any of us can drop everything to spend a few months in the studio. Basically, any recording will likely be stretched out over a long period, as we share files and fit things in around our regular schedules.

Be sure to check out the full interview HERE and you can check out more of my GV30 photos (and video) HERE. So much clicking! You love it.

Descendents @ GV30 (photo by Denise Borders)

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About the Author

39, Los Angeles. Denise founded PWV in 2008 and remains the primary manager and photographer/videographer. She is not secretly obsessed with Joey Cape.

One Response to Descendents Talk New Album (!!!)

  1. Pingback: Descendents May Release New Album | Verbicide Magazine

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